About Asia World Education

As the name suggests Asia World Education is a company that is dedicated to guiding Asian students towards world-class academic opportunities in different countries known for their high academic standards. We act as the friend philosopher and guide for the student and help him in many ways to accomplish the goal of further study.

Our counselors and experts include people, who have many years of experience in handling applications and helping students prepare for the all important visa interviews. It is not a small achievement that we have never ever lost a student visa till date.

Though we can help you with admissions in most of the countries our primary focus is on two top notch education destinations –Ireland and Canada. We help you take your place in some of the top ranked Canadian and Irish institutions. USA & UK are the other two countries that we can recommend.

Our advise is non commercial in nature and always given with your best long term interest in mind. We like to call a spade a spade and do not sugarcoat our counsel. We pride ourselves with quick responses to your queries.

Its is due to this honest service to the students and dedicated efforts that the official Irish education body Education Ireland has conferred upon AWE the status of PREFERRED AGENTS. AWE are the only one in the state of U.P & Uttaranchal to get this status and one of the group of only 19 such Preferred Agents in the whole of India. One of the things that this status shows is the high degree of trust in us by the Government of Ireland and also that the visa applications filed by AWE on behalf of the students will be dealt on a priority basis by the visa office thus benefiting our bona fide students.

Our admission related services and counseling are always without charge and without obligation. We do however have a small charge for the visa processing .Even so our policy is you only pay when you get the visa. If, God forbid, you are refused a visa we don’t charge you.